måndag 22 september 2014

God bye Austalia!

It’s early in the morning and I am going to take a flight to Stockholm via Mumbai. This trip has probably been the best trip ever. Australia is amazing and it has so much to discover. It has been an incredible journey for me. I have been with the aborigines and learned about their historical culture. I have also been in a lot of zoos and have discovered the coolest animals ever, like the Koala or the platypus. I have been in amazing beaches and amusement park. I have been scuba diving and have attended a fantastic concert. This trip is unforgettable and I’m really going to miss this place. If you have never been to Australia, go check it out because it is a life-time experience with a lot to discover. Now I am in Brisbane international airport and I’m ready for check in.

Dream World. The best water park ever!

Today I went to Dream World in Brisbane. It’s an amazing water park and it’s probably the most popular amusement park in Australia.  It was very hot today, about 30 degrees Celsius so a perfect day to go to an amusement park. The park was amazing and it’s actually the best water park that I have ever tried so if you are going to Brisbane, Australia I highly recommend to visit this amusement park. The park has a lot of water slides and rollercoasters, both for young and adults and they are hilarious. I really like roller coasters, especially the scary ones because they usually go really fast and have a lot of loops. This is my last day here in Australia so now I’m packing my stuff while I’m writing this post. My flight goes early in the morning so I will probably go and get some sleep

onsdag 17 september 2014

Today I arrived in one of Australia’s most modern cities. I arrived in Brisbane. Brisbane is in the north east coast of Queensland and the city is most famous for its architecture and its nightlife. The first thing that I wanted to do was to have a boat ride. Having a boat ride is the easiest way to explore the city and its structure. I took the boat ride late at night because I thought it would be cooler to explore the city when all the towers lit on the coast. The boat ride was spectacular and I got this incredible picture of the coast of Brisbane.

This is the last city that I am going to visit here in Australia. I’m sorry if you guys expected me to discover more cities like Canberra or Adelaide etc. But I only have a 3 week trip so I wanted to explore the cities that I am interested in.

söndag 14 september 2014

A day in Melbourne Beach

Today I feel a lot better then what I did yesterday. It is a perfect day and I decide to go to Melbourne beach. Melbourne beach is pretty big and today the sun is shining and the water is perfect. I decide to have a bath but for some reason, I forgot to change to my swimwear back at the hotel. So I brought it here to the beach so I could change here. When I walked at the beach to find a place where I could change clothes I found small cottages that stood in a perfect line. Every cottage had different colours and they looked very cool so I changed to my swimwear in one of the cottages. When I was done I took a picture of it and I took a bath at Melbourne beach.

fredag 12 september 2014

A bad day!

Hi everyone. I’m sorry I didn’t write yesterday. I had eaten something bad so I didn't feel so good in my stomach. I also got a high fever and it is horrible. I could barely get out of bed because I felt so bad. This is an advice for you guys who is watching my blog. If you are in another country that you never have been in before, you really need to think where you are going to eat and drink. Some restaurants are very good and have good quality food but some doesn’t, even if it looks good. Think about that because if you eat bad food it can ruin your trip. Luckily I feel a lot better so I could write this to you guys. I’m sorry that you expected something else, but stuff happens. But don’t worry, tomorrow I will go and discover my last day in Melbourne. 

onsdag 10 september 2014

I found the Platypus!!

Today I went to Tasmania zoo. It is a very nice zoo but not as nice as in Perth (just my opinion). But I found the animal that I have been looking for a very long time here in Australia. I founded the amazing Platypus. It’s so cool with its amazing beak and it has some very interesting feet as well.  But that was not the only animal that I founded interesting in the zoo. I founded an Emu. Emus are like ostriches but they are not as tall and the have a different face compare to the ostrich.

Now I’m back at the hotel and I’m super tired so I have decided to get some rest. Tomorrow I’m going to Melbourne and I will discover the city and its architecture.
This day was amazing.

tisdag 9 september 2014

Today I woke up early because I had to take a flight to Melbourne. But I’m not going to stay in Melbourne (yet), in fact, I’m going to Tasmania. Tasmania is a paradise island in South Australia. It has a lot of nature and a lot of beautiful beaches. The flight to Melbourne took about 5 hours and then I changed to a flight to Tasmania. I just arrived at Hobart international airport and I’m super excited to see Tasmania and its amazing tropical and biological nature. I’m going to be here for two days and I’m going to go scuba diving in the coral reeves. So finally i'm going to see one of the most rare animals, the platypus. I’m really excited about that as well.

måndag 8 september 2014

A day under water

Today I went scuba diving in the Tasmanian coral reeves. At the beginning I had a teacher who taught me how to do diving signs, how to take care of the weight and pressure of the west under the water etc. Then we went down to the coral reeves. I had a guide called Ryan who showed me a lot of things under water. The reeves were amazing. The water was blue and it was fishes everywhere. The fishes had a lot of cool colors and some fishes changed colors for camouflage. Ryan and I even found a sea turtle. It was huge and it was swimming pretty slow so I decided to take a picture of it. About two hours later I went back to the hotel and rested because I was pretty tired after swimming so much under water.

A day at Sepertine Falls/National park

File:Serpentine Falls, Serpentine National Park.jpg
Today I went to Sepertine National park. It’s an amazing park and it’s just one hour from Perth. The Sepertine National park has an amazing forest with a lot of nature and different species. When you are about in the middle of the park you will find a waterfall called Sepertine falls. It’s very beautiful and the fall has a mix of mountain and spring water. The weather was very good today, and it was very warm so I decided to have a bath at the falls. The water was fresh and it was a very good temperature in it as well. Late at night I went back to the hotel and got some rest for the next day.

lördag 6 september 2014

A fantastic concert!!!

Yesterday in the morning I went to Perth Arena. I was going to see the artist Sia, Perform on the stage with her latest album “1000 forms of fear” later that night. At night the concert began and it was amazing. Sia was singing one of my favourite songs called Chandelier and she did it perfectly. Then after that she had changed clothes to a neon outfit so she looked like a happy character in the dark. That was probably the coolest part of the concert. After the concert I was super tired so I decided to get back to the hotel and get some sleep.

If you haven’t heard the song Chandelier then here it it. I hope you will like it just as much as I do

torsdag 4 september 2014

Today I went to Perth International Zoo. It’s an amazing zoo with animals from the whole world. The Zoo was separated with African, South American, North American, Oceania animals and European animals. I saw the Koala, The Kangaroo, the Tiger, and a Giraffe. I even saw new born Meer Kats and they were very cute. The zoo was incredible and I discovered a lot of animals that I had never seen before. Now I’m going back to the hotel to get some rest because tomorrow I’m going to see the national museum of Perth.
If you are going to visit Australia, go to Perth International Zoo because it’s an incredible experience

lördag 30 augusti 2014

A day with the Aborigines

I had a 2 day bus ride to Alice Springs in the middle of Australia. Then I had a 2 hour drive to Alice Springs west dessert and came to a village where some Aborigines lived. That was the place I was going to stay for one day. They tough me how to play the Didgeridoo, an Australian instrument. And at the night they told me stories about their history, about when the English people took their land after they had lived in piece for over 30 000 years. It was very sad to hear.  Now I'm driving back to Alice Springs and then I’m going to take a flight to Perth, the biggest city of the west coast.