lördag 30 augusti 2014

A day with the Aborigines

I had a 2 day bus ride to Alice Springs in the middle of Australia. Then I had a 2 hour drive to Alice Springs west dessert and came to a village where some Aborigines lived. That was the place I was going to stay for one day. They tough me how to play the Didgeridoo, an Australian instrument. And at the night they told me stories about their history, about when the English people took their land after they had lived in piece for over 30 000 years. It was very sad to hear.  Now I'm driving back to Alice Springs and then I’m going to take a flight to Perth, the biggest city of the west coast.

onsdag 27 augusti 2014

 Today I went to the State library of Sydney. It’s a huge library and was built in 1827. It has an amazing architecture and has over 100 000 books. The roof is made of mosaic and is engraved with pattern. I read a book about the Australian culture and history. The book said a lot about the aborigines and when the British took over Australia from them. It was really interesting and I really liked the book.
Now I’m going back to the hotel and get some rest. I've decided to make a one day trip to visit and stay with the aborigines so I’m really excited about that.  Then after that I will fly my way to Perth on the west coast of Australia so I’m really excited about that too.

tisdag 26 augusti 2014

The Harbour of Sydney!

Today is a good day and the sun is shining. I woke up a couple of hours ago and started to think: "This is a perfect day to go to the amazing harbour of Sydney"
I walked by the coast and could see the famous opera house of Sydney and the amazing harbour bridge behind it. They built the bridge in the beginning of 1923 and the plan was that the bridge was going to connect the city to the island next to it so they could expand the city.  I decided to take a picture of the masterpiece and its background and I hope that all of you like it just as much as I do.

This is going to be an awesome trip and I will never regret it!

måndag 25 augusti 2014

Australia i'm here!!!

I just arrived at Sydney international airport and it's huge!!! I'm super tired after the long flight and when I get out of the airport the sun is going to burn on my skin. I’m already starting to feel that this is going to be a good trip. I can’t wait to see different animals that don't exist in other places of the world like the platypus or the koala. I'm also interested of seeing the harbour on the coast of Sydney, the architecture of the city, museums etc. I'm not going to stay in Sydney the whole vacation. I'm also going to live with the aborigines for one day or two, and I'm also going to stay in the tropical forest in the north for a couple of days. I'm going to stay in the biggest cities and I will try to find the most famous animals of Australia. I've been in all continents except for this one so I’m really excited about this.

So far so awesome!!!